Easter Basket Ideas


Another holiday is almost upon us! I know coming up with fun ideas to make holidays special can be hard, so I wanted to help y’all out a little bit. Today I would like to walk you through some ideas that I’ve come up with for Easter basket ideas for my kids. 

Easter Baskets

I love these sweet little baskets! They are simple and cute, and you can put some of this grass filler in the bottom. No one wants to just fill the baskets with junk, so the grass is a great way to fill some space without adding a bunch of unnecessary stuff. I’ve also seen people fill things like rain boots and umbrellas, instead of baskets, as a creative alternative!

Get Outside

I like to give my kids gifts that can get us outside and interacting with each other. Bubbles are always a great idea with small kids, because they always get so excited about the bubbles! These bubble guns make the bubble experience so much better, because you don’t have to use up all of your oxygen to create a fun time! 🙂 Sidewalk chalk is always a great item for outside play time, too! The weather has been so nice the last few days, and it’s getting me so excited for hang outs in our outdoor spaces! I also think this toss and catch set is a great idea for playing outside. 

Get Creative

I’m always a huge fan of creating opportunities and activities for my kids to get creative. Especially with Chris gone. They can color and create cute things to send him in his care packages. So I thought I would grab these Easter stickers for them, so that they could add them to their letters and feel a little more connected to him during this holiday while he’s away. (For more ideas about gifts for your kids from long long distance loved ones, you can check out my post on those here!)

This cardboard tool set could be a fun way to teach motor skills and critical thinking skills, too!

Other great items for helping your kids exercise their creative muscles are these paint sticks and this easel! The easel has a chalkboard side and a side for painting on paper. It’s perfect for keeping them occupied!

Easter Books

This Easter I Spy book, Llama Llama Easter egg, and Very Hungry Caterpillar’s Easter Egg Hunt are great book options for bedtime, too!

If you want to teach your children more about who God is, and how to cultivate a relationship with Him, The Promises of God Storybook Bible

Just the Fun Stuff

I have toddlers, so I am always looking for good Montessori toys for them to play with. These stackable sensory balls look like Easter eggs (SO CUTE). And an added bonus is that they’re great for teething! This cute carrot harvest game is awesome, too! It helps with fine motor skills because it works kind of like a puzzle. And these color match chicken eggs are great for critical thinking, motor skills, and matching. These suction toys can also be used in different ways to inspire creativity in your young kids!

These bath bombs and bath crayons are a great way to make bath time fun! And I found these cute fishing poles from Target that could always add to the bath time experience. Anything to make daily chores more fun, amirite? And whether they’re drying off from a bath, or playing in the pool, these cute hooded towels make everything fun! Another fun pool toy could be this waterproof camera! It’s perfect for capturing memories at the pool, without fear of damaging the camera in the water!

These Peter Rabbit jack-in-the-box is a cute, on theme, toy! These are a classic and I think the kids will get a kick out of it! I also thought this bluetooth speaker could be a fun way to interact with my kids! It can play music, tell them stories, and keeps them occupied without setting them in front of a screen!

And we always need more cups, so I love these Stanleys for kids! They’re heavy duty and great for school or days at the park! And these Bento lunch boxes would be great for school or picnics at the park!

I absolutely love this giant play silk, because it invites creativity into their playing. They can use it as a blanket, they can use it to build a cute fort, and all kinds of other things!

Figuring out gift ideas after Christmas always seems daunting. But I think these are great options that can actually be useful and fun! If you need more ideas for Easter baskets, be sure to visit my Amazon storefront!