Perimeter fence-Peace of mind
Our New Fence Addition–FINALLY!!

We installed a brand new fence that spans our property in front of the pond and I am so excited! This is step one in our backyard makeover but it’s already put my anxiety at ease. I can FINALLY let my kids explore and be kids without having to follow them around every second.
While we already have fencing around our entire property, we did that when we didn’t have kids. Now that we have two little kids, Hunter is 2 1/2 and Gracie is 15 months, it’s essential because I just have constant anxiety about one of them getting out of my sight and going outside and with the worst possible case scenario. As parents, ensuring the safety of our children is KEY! This new fence will help without compromising our beautiful view.
We went with an aluminum fencing system from Barrett Outdoor Living. It offers the ideal combination of looking great & low maintenance! We wanted a fence that would stand the test of time and seamlessly blend with our property. We LOVE the natural beauty surrounding our home, preserving the panorama was a crucial factor in our decision-making.
custom fence & gate design
In our plans for the fence, we decided to include a drive gate at the main opening, which will lead to the future deck and pergola area. This ensures that we have a wide opening available for accommodating larger vehicles, boats, and other potential needs in the future. Additionally, we intend to incorporate a couple of other gates along the property, facilitating easy access and creating convenient pathways within our space.
The Installation Process
I am excited to take you along on our fence journey through our Instagram stories. We used an auger to dig the necessary holes and then filled with concrete to anchor the fence posts firmly into the ground, ensuring stability and longevity. I’m sharing the entire installation process so you can feel inspired to do this too!
The new fence not only addresses our children’s safety but also LOOKS SO DANG GOOD! Stay tuned to our Instagram stories for all the updates, and more of the backyard makeover to come!!
I AM SO EXCITED!!! I have lots of exciting projects planned for the backyard and porch. I cannot wait to share it all as I go! Don’t miss a bit of it, make sure you’re following @livingononepercent!